Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This one's a real horn honker!!

I remember sitting on the hood of the family station wagon watching fireworks on the 4th of July at Centennial Park in Longmont, Colo where I grew up.  On the really special launches, everybody would honk their horns.  It was nice knowing that everyone, collectively, thought that the city didn't waste all of their money on the fireworks display. (just saying)  But the phrase hung around my family even till today, and certainly does apply to this quilt that Clare made.  It will be delivered on Wed April 4th to Thimble Pleasures in Chapel Hill, along with many others.

Click on any image for more detail

Friday, March 23, 2012

Joyce's Labyrinth King Size is Finished!

OK, so I kinda panicked when Joyce brought this quilt to the studio.  Not because it's big (111 x 111), but probably because I've not seen one yet.  We've done wall hangings that are similar, but the game changes when you go to this scale.  And then I really did panic when I did a Google search for images, and found quite a few to view, but none were quilted.  That's usually not a good sign.  Some quilts are just plain hard to quilt, at least for us, and this one fell into that category.  Don't misunderstand now, we enjoy these challenges and are thankful that we have customers like Joyce that trust us with these fabulous quilts.  We don't ever take that lightly.  So here you go--enjoy!  Oh, and remember, you can click on any image for more detail.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Twing's Latte Colors is finished!

This is the first of 4 King Size Custom Quilts that are next in line to be quilted by the Bears.  We just love this quilt, and thoroughly enjoyed working on it.
The batting is Hobbs Tuscany Wool.

Click on any image for more detail

Monday, March 19, 2012

Liberated Log Cabin is finished!

Doris made this stunning Liberated scrappy Log Cabin.  She said she needed a happy quilt for her bed.  Mission accomplished, Doris!

Click on any image for more detail

We quilted a fairly dense "McTavishing type" design at Doris request.  The thread was from Superior's new Omni line.  the color is a burnt oranbe called Bengal.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Sharon's Raw Edge Applique is finished!

Sharon plans to offer this quilt as a class at Thimble Pleasures in Chapel Hill.  The diamonds are machine appliqued, leaving a raw edge that will ravel once the quilt is washed.  We quilted an edge to edge using a rose and curlicue vine pattern. 

click on any image for more detail

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Dad's Christmas Present is almost finished!

All that's left is stitching down the binding, and this quilt is ready to ship to Colorado.  A little late, but Dad knows what kind of a year we had last year.  Now that I've got my fingers warmed up, I'll be working on my quilts for the show in October.  Meanwhile, I'm very happy with the way this quilt turned out!  It's got Hobbs Tuscany Wool for the batting, so it should be plenty warm and cozy.  I hope he likes it!

There's lots of secondary designs going on in the quilting.  Click on any image for more detail