Friday, June 25, 2010

Kathy's Flower Quilt is Done!!!!

Kathy did a wonderful job piecing this twin size quilt.  We chose a beautiful flowering design for the quilting.  I just love this quilt, and it looks beautiful with the quilted ribbons running through it.  Well done Kathy!!  (reminder--qlick on any image for a more detailed view)
Kathy had the Bears  make her binding and attach it to the quilt.  Now all she has to do is plop down in front of the tube, turn on the Bachelorette (lame show, I know, I know) and stitch it down.  Our customers l-o-v-e our "binding #1" option. ( See website for details)  Here's a bit more detail of the ribbons I was talking about: 

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