Sunday, July 4, 2010

Carol's Applique Quilt is finished!!

Where to start??  A picture is worth 1,000:
Carol spent years on this beautiful applique quilt.  It will be shown in the DOQ show in October. 
We really took our time, and used many different designs and techniques:
I'm a cat lover, so all the cats on this quilt get a heart!
Everything was outlined, about 1/8".  Different background fills were used throughout the quilt.  Because it is a "sampler" type quilt, it seemed fitting to do more than a stipple to fill in behind the applique.  For instance, the background fill for the house blocks were clouds!
This basket was echoed at .20 apart.  This created the fill for that block:
It's a real advantage having two of us working on quilts with this much detail!  Johnny's signature curlicues were used to fill in around the applique on the top and side borders:
Probably the most fun was the fence along the bottom of the quilt.  Designs were created especially for this space on the quilt, between the fence posts:
A bit more detail of the bottom.
Th-th-that's all folks!!


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