Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Antique DWR is back from the show!!!!!

This Antique Double Wedding Ring is from ---we think---1930's????  It was custom quilted by the Three Bears and on display at the DOQ Quilt show in October.  It could not be judged, as it was not pieced by a DOQ member.  It's approx 90 x 90 and bound by the world famous Lynn Elliott.  It's one of my favorite quilts ever, and I can't wait to display it in my new studio.  Oooopppss!  I almost let the cat out of the bag.  Get back in the bag!! Now!!  Bad Kitty!!

 Corner Stone and Binding Detail:

This quilt was hand pieced.  Perhaps you have an antique quilt top that was never finished.  Maybe from a family member or even one that you purchased at an estate sale.  The Bears have lots of experience handling these delicate quilt tops.  We'll be happy to take a look at yours.

Melon detail:


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