Monday, May 16, 2011

It's a Wedding Quilt!!

What could bring more joy than a wedding?  Not much, unless it's a wedding quilt!  This one was made by Barbara, a brilliant quilter and, quite simply, just a wonderful person.  When I first met Barbara, she was, without a doubt, the happiest, most content person I had met In a long, long time.  What was it?  Can't put my finger on it, but I do remember her comment about where she was living.  "It's heaven on earth".  Wow, I want to live in a place like that, I thought.  Well, that's how I feel about Oriental, NC.  Yes.  Just like that.  So here it is. Barbara's quilt:

Taken in the"crows nest".  Click for detail.

Some tinting shows the quilting detail.  Barbara chose a yummy flannel for the backing.  The newlyweds will have two quilts;  the back looks as good as the front!

Because the backing was flannel, I chose dream cotton select.  This batting has no scrim, and really pairs well with flannel.

I enhanced this photo to show quilting detail.  Click the image for more detail

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