Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!!

And I have a real firecracker for you.......Laura from Chapel Hill pieced this beautiful star sampler.  As always, Laura did a spectacular job.  This is a large quilt, 89 x 96.  With wool batting and flannel backing, this will be used as a winter quilt. 

on a king size bed

There were five borders.  The large outside border runs the length of the quilt only.  We quilted a beautiful feather design here

click or double click on any image for more detail

you can see all 5 borders here.  the narrow pink border was SID.  this really creates a nice frame when on a bed.

it's all about the details.....

each star block was uniquely quilted.  i have a lot of pictures, simply because we have seen a lot of these types of quilts lately.  perhaps you might see something you'd like on your quilt????

stitch in the ditch is always worth the effort

this shot was taken on the frame

lastly, laura can flip her quilt over, and have a beautiful whole cloth quilt.  the bears pride themselves with their stitch quality.  the back should always look as good as the front when it comes to tension.

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