Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A very special gift for Jan's son

Jan pieced this beautiful brown and blue quilt for her son.  She says he kept the last one for over 20 plus years, so perhaps it was time to break down and make him a new one!!  Lucky guy!!
The photo was taken in the owners quarters of the Inn.  I think it looks quite nice, don't you?

At Jan's request, I constructed the binding and attached it to the front of her quilt.  Now all she has to do is plop down, turn on DWTS and stitch away.  It'll be done in no time!  BTW, this service is called "binding #1", and we can do this for any quilt, any size.  This quilt is BIG, a California King, and can be difficult to handle if you don't have a lot of space.

click on any image for more detail

Now look here, won't you?  The back of the quilt is fabulous! 

some detail of the quilting

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