Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Three more beautiful edge to edge quilts to feature!

The first quilt to feature today was made by Sarah, a very talented quilter that works under the umbrella of "every little detail does matter".  I don't have a photo of the back, perhaps later, but it's pieced and was carefully centered by Johnny.  Looks super sharp.  Sarah chose a beautiful floral design that totally compliments the quilt top.  Enjoy!

Click on any image for more detail

The second featured quilt today is from Joyce.  When it comes to choosing colors, Joyce is tops.  When I'm ready to begin my next project, I'm taking Joyce shopping with me! Another beautiful floral quilting pattern was just perfect for Joyce's quilt that she calls "Happy Daze".  Happy indeed.

Click on any image for more detail

 And last (but by no means least), is an adorable kitty cat quilt made by Linda.  It has a black fur backing (yes really) that my cats would L-O-V-E.  That is, if they ever got the chance. Which they won't.

Click on any image for more detail

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